King Arthur ll: Game Download For Pc

King Arthur II is a real-time tactics and role-playing video game and a sequel to King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame, released on January 27, 2012.[2] It was developed by NeocoreGames and published by Paradox Interactive. It blends elements of the real-time tactics, role-playing, and grand strategy genres into one.There are two campaigns in the game, a prologue with only one chapter, and the main story, spanning several chapters. In the prologue, the player takes the role of Septimus Sulla. Heir to one of the Roman families, that ruled in Britannia south of the Hadrians Wall. The prologue details Septimus' rise to power and eventual succumbing to madness.
In the main campaign, the player takes over the role of William Pendragon, son of the Once and Future King Arthur. Arthur lies mortally wounded by a magical curse and several of the figures of Arthurian Legend are missing when William steps up to unite the provinces that once made up Arthur's kingdom, fight back the Fomorians and seek.As in the previous game, other heroes join the army of William and eventually, a second army led by Morgan Le Fay becomes available as William allows her to search for her mentor Merlin in the name of King Arthur. Over the course of the game, Septimus Sulla attacks from the North.

System Requirements:

Operating system
Windows Vista / XP / 7
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better
Hard drive space
Graphics hardware



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